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I love to sing and dance and take hot showers. My birthday is April 29.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Thanks

Me gustaria dar las gracias a Remy Smith por decrime sobre Blogger y quiero dar las graccias a Harrison Murphy para hablarme de Weebly: Spanish

Je tiens a remercier Remy Smith pour me parler de Blogger et je a remercier Harrison Murphy pour me parler de Weebly: French

Vorrei ringraziare Remy Smith per avermi informato circa Blogger e voglio ringraziare Harrison Murphy per raccotarmi Weebly: Italian

Ba mhaith liom buiochas ghabatail le Remy Smith do insint dom faoi Blogger agus ba mhaith liom buiochas ghabatail Harrison Murphy as insint dom faoi Weebly:Irish

I would like to thank Remy Smith for telling me about Blogger and I want to thank Harrison Murphy for telling me about Weebly: English

Tien un gran verano: Spanish
Have a great summer: English